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  4. 避免买房后悔的8种方法


当进入蓬勃发展的房地产市场时, 人们很容易被竞标战带来的肾上腺素刺激所吸引. Putting offers in during a tight market makes it easy to max out your budget and end up with a home that you either don’t like or ends up costing you more money than you had imagined. 如何避免购房者的悔恨?

Entering the real estate market by buying a house can be a great way to grow your net worth and invest in your future. 与 租金成本迅速上升 没有放缓的迹象, it may be a good idea to purchase a home before the interest rates get even higher.

美国本土盾® 对您驾驭房地产市场有什么帮助吗 首次购房者小贴士 以及如何避免买家后悔买房的建议.

1. 不要跳过房屋检查. 

在一个 卖方市场, often home inspections are avoided to beat other offers and speed up the home sale process. However, foregoing an inspection can pave the way for buyer’s regret house woes. 事实上, many homeowners who took this step during the pandemic and purchased houses sight unseen are now 后悔这

有时候,做上门检查是不可能的——bet3365标准版能理解. 如果这是你的情况, 或者如果你生活在一个以竞标战而臭名昭著的地区, make sure you have enough money on hand to fix any issues that may be uncovered once you move in.

2. 一定要亲自去看房子. 


十年前, this concept would seem like a no-brainer: Who is going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into something they haven’t seen with their own two eyes? Nowadays, modern technology like video chatting and Zoom may make it feel less risky. 

而虚拟旅游很方便, 尤其是如果你要在州外买房的话, 通过你的手机屏幕看房子真的不合适. 在探索房子的时候, 你会希望能够看到角落和缝隙, 用你的鼻子闻任何气味, 试着看一下霉菌和潮湿之类的东西. 

另外,你会想体验家的感觉. Often, you’ll know whether a house is a potential home as soon as you walk in. The last thing you want is to close on a house and have the buyer’s remorse hit you as soon as you cross the threshold. 

3. 不要看那些超出你预算的房子. 

仔细阅读 房地产应用 是一个很好的消遣,即使你不打算买新家. 看海边豪宅和山间别墅的照片很有趣, 中了彩票后梦想住在里面. Once you start looking seriously, you should set filters to avoid seeing something you can’t afford. This may save some heartbreak and help you avoid house buyer’s remorse.

在一些房地产市场, houses sell at thousands—even hundreds of thousands—of dollars over the asking price. Looking at houses at the top or over your budget will only accomplish one of two things: 

  • You’ll either buy a house you’ll grow to resent because it eats all of your paycheck, or 
  • All the houses in your price range will look small and unattractive in comparison.

You’re much better off setting the filters on the 房地产应用 at a lower price than your budget and telling your real estate agent that you don’t want to go over a certain amount. It will help ensure you don’t regret buying a house you can’t afford.  

阅读bet3365标准版的建议 首次房主管理账单了解更多关于 首次购房者税收优惠

4. 写下你的分手原因. 


找房子的时候,很容易不知所措. After seeing house after house, you may become impatient and decide to settle on a few things. 这是相当普遍的——除非你非常幸运, 完美的家很少, and you’ll likely have to let go of a few items on your house checklist. 

However, if you let too many must-haves go, you may experience buyer’s remorse house anxiety. 为了避免这种情况,你可以写一份分手原因的书面清单. 以下是一些需要考虑的事项: 

  • 预算
  • 工作上班
  • 学区
  • 卧室数量
  • 后院的大小
  • 地下室、车库和阁楼
  • 建筑风格
  • 未来模型的可行性

Prioritize the items on your list so that when you are viewing a home, you can reference the list and remember which items are most important. 


听起来是个计划. 找到最适合你的保修单.

5. 当心那些需要修理的人. 


If you’ve been on the path to homeownership for a while and still haven’t found your dream house, 你可能会考虑 房子家在购买需要重新装修的房子之前, 重要的是要考虑一些事实,以避免购房者的遗憾. 

  • 建筑公司人手不足. Like many businesses after the pandemic, the construction industry has been hit with a 劳动力严重短缺That means the time it takes to finish a home renovation project may increase. 
  • 材料昂贵. 建筑材料价格昂贵. 例如,木材价格几乎已经上涨 自2021年8月以来翻了三倍即使你买了一套待修房屋,节省了钱, 从长远来看,建筑材料最终可能会让你花费更多. 
  • 许多材料没有货或缺货. 由于 供应链问题一些建筑材料可能暂时无法到达你的手中, 也就是说你可能在等材料和人工.

Buying a fixer-upper can allow you to transform the property into the house of your dreams. 在你出价之前要注意潜在的陷阱. 

6. 留意被翻转的房子. 

Are you wondering how to avoid buyer’s remorse as a first-time homebuyer? 首先,要注意房子被翻转的迹象. 在寻找房产时,研究一下销售历史. It might be a flip if it was bought a year ago and put back on the market. 

Not all flipped homes are bad; however, their quality and craftmanship can vary wildly. The quality of a flipped home depends on the flipper’s skill, techniques, and ethics. 如果你决定投资翻转房, 聘请一位经验丰富的检查员, and make sure to take action if they recommend a specialized inspector for a follow-up. 

这里还有更多 购买翻转房屋时需要考虑的事项.

7. 用bet3365标准版来保护自己. 

365beat中文版It’s an affordable investment you can make to help you with the costs of repairs on systems and appliances. 不像房主的保险, a home warranty helps protect your budget when your home systems and appliances break down due to normal wear and tear. 了解更多关于 房主保险和房屋担保的区别.

Investing in an 美国本土盾® home warranty can protect your budget and help you avoid house buyer’s remorse, 尤其是你没能得到检查的时候. 查看bet3365标准版的 定价和计划 欲知详情. 

8. 注意你的直觉. 


当你在 买房过程相信自己的直觉. A little bit of stress is expected when making such a large purchase, 但如果有什么事困扰着你, 不要害怕退后一步,重新评估. 

在竞争激烈的房地产市场, taking too much time to put in an offer can mean losing out on a property. However, rushing into a home that doesn’t feel right isn’t the answer. If you’re in a situation where you’ll be without housing soon, you may have to make sacrifices. 但, 如果你有时间,有地方住的话, listen to your instincts and pass on homes that give you a bad feeling, 太贵了, 或者没有让你感到兴奋. 

Your house should be your sanctuary—not a place filled with home buyer’s remorse.


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